Welcome to Belonging 

A podcast that explores being alive in the age of loneliness.

Becca Piastrelli is your host and guide on a journey of courageous reconnection as we explore topics like cultivating meaningful community, living with the seasons and cycles of the earth and your body, and leaving a thriving, regenerative legacy in these modern times.

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Lastest Episodes

In today’s episode, I am joined by Stevie Storck, founder of the Cross Quarter Club, a creative seasonal living community focused on gardening and nature connection. When Stevie and I first connected through my circle facilitation training Circle Craft, she introduced me to the concept of the Sharing Table, a tradition that encourages community members […]

Immersing myself deeply in the season of Summer here on the East coast has meant that I went on a little hiatus when it comes to sharing about my journey with moving my whole family across the country, purchasing land, learning farming, building community, and everything else. So, for this episode, I asked my friend […]

In today’s episode, I am joined by Lara Vesta, author of ‘The Year of the Dark Goddess’ and ‘The Moon Divas Guidebook’ (among other titles). In this conversation, we explore navigating difficult rites of passage, learning its culture through myths, fairytales and other symbolism and calling in our webs of support – whether they be […]

In today’s episode, I am joined by my friend Gemma Brady of ‘Sister Stories’ to explore our mutual passion of sharing circle work. One of Gemma’s mission is to make going to circle as common as going to yoga class and in this conversation, she shares how she approaches circle as a living, breathing art […]

In today’s episode, I am joined by Johannah Reimer to talk about holding circle for our girls and the female-bodied youth that are in our lives. Johannah is a soulcentric educator, ceremonialist, teen mentor, and an artist of many trades. Trained as a Waldorf teacher, Johannah has been working with children of all ages for […]

In today’s episode, I am answering listening questions. Topics range from sharing my personal viewpoint on religion and spirituality, navigating different roles and jobs during my day and in my life and dive deep into circle-related questions too. Tune in to hear more from me on: Resources + Links Timestamps [01:00] Do you practice any […]

In today’s episode, I am joined by my friend Amelia Hruby. Amelia is a feminist author, educator, podcaster and founder of Softer Sounds podcast studio (who used to edit this podcast too!). I brought her onto the podcast today specifically because of her amazing podcast ‘Off the Grid’, which is a podcast for small business […]

It takes a deep initiation of need for care to get you to shed the layers of hyper individualism and show up as the village. In today’s episode, I get fired up about why the ones who are showing up and arriving on the doorstep with the soup are often the caregivers with a limited […]

In today’s episode, I am joined by my dear friend Ginny Muir to talk about the longing for deep intimacy, the importance of healing in relationships, navigating rupture and repair in community and circle specifically. Ginny is an incredible spaceholder, medicine woman, witch, tantrika and so much more. Specifically, she has an incredible way of […]

A year ago, I almost completely gave up on my work. Emerging from the early years of motherhood and feeling my creative spark again, I felt motivated to get back into the deeper aspects of my sacred work. So, in a flash of creative impulse, I announced a new program to the world in the […]

In today’s episode, I am joined by Becca Rich – a trauma-sensitive, certified holistic coach with a background in engineering and mindfulness, who teaches Holistic Time Management. In today’s episode, she shares with us her wisdom on the meaning of time, the role of control, how we can honor the cyclical nature of our bodies […]

A lot has occurred for me in 2023 – as I think is true for every year, but perhaps this time around it is a little more visible and this is probably why I received the beautiful question of the lessons I’ve learned this past year. So, I am using the reflective energy of the […]

In today’s episode, our guest, Hillarie Maddox, interviews me (Becca) to get some personal updates on the journey of rewilding and all that unfolds when we take the steps that brought us from the dream to buying and living on our land. I open up to vulnerably reveal some of the grief, the questioning and […]

In today’s episode, I give you updates from my new life on the farm (here in Hudson Valley, New York) and share both the challenges and joys of renovating an old house. I share the resources and learnings I have gathered in creating and tending community from the perspective of someone who has just moved […]

Summer feels like a ripe tomato — the peak fullness of the season where so much is revealed as the light of the sun shines down on us all. In this episode, I complete my series of ancestral rituals for each season, with reflections on summer. I share why summer is a season of work […]

If you’re curious about what village life is like beyond the picture-perfect cottage-core images on Instagram, today’s conversation is for you. In this episode, Sarah Wildeman and I delve into a topic near and dear to my heart — revillaging and community-centered living. Sarah is a leadership & relationship dynamics coach, community-builder, and founder of […]

  Living in capitalism while not being consumed by it can feel overwhelming and confusing. Today, I’m joined by Bear Hebert (they/them), a feminist and anti-capitalist business coach who helps small business people (and other beloved weirdos) figure out how to build the world-yet-to-come inside the world-that-currently-is. Together, we discuss making space for grieving our […]

If you want more powerful, matriarchal inspired, healing community in your life, this episode is for you. I’ve been circling for over a decade, but it’s been a while since I’ve talked about the practice of Circle on the podcast. So in this episode, I share what it means to practice Circle — including what […]

If you daydream about purchasing land and relocating to a tiny town far from city life, this episode is the gentle invitation and reality-check you need before taking the leap. Today I’m joined by Alissa Hessler, an author, podcast host, and former corporate tech employee who left the big city to move to a rural […]

  If you’ve ever felt disconnected from or unworthy in your body, this episode is for you. Today, I’m joined by Hannah Husband for a discussion on our relationships to our bodies and movement. Together we channel childlike curiosity about the ways we like to move. And we unpack how diet culture and the wellness […]

We’ve all inherited beliefs — those sayings, lessons, and ways of being passed down through the generations and permeate the culture we live in. Often they’re so deeply rooted that we don’t even realize how much they’re affecting us and our ability to weave in with the natural world. In this episode, I delve into […]

This week I’m thrilled to have Mara Glatzel back on Belonging to celebrate her upcoming book, Needy: How to Advocate for Your Needs and Claim Your Sovereignty. In this conversation, we discuss how to to connect with our needs, respect our wants, and let go of the fear that having needs makes us undesirable. We […]

If you crave or cherish brave connection with your community, your ancestors, and yourself, this episode is for you. Trevia Woods is a mixed-race woman with Indigenous ancestors who has two decades of experience in bodywork, education and community-building. She has roots in the Midwest and Colorado, after traveling the world finds herself back in […]

If you have a long-held dream (or even the quietest whisper of a thought) that you want to live on and with the land, this episode is for you. Hillarie Maddox is the founder of Black Girl Country Living and creator of Rewilding Workshops. In 2020, she and her family left the city for the […]

Waverly Davis a multidimensional twin mama, facilitator of sacred spaces + sounds, artist, and podcaster residing outside of Charlottesville, Virginia in the Blue Ridge Mountains on unceded Monacan territory. In this episode, we discuss how we incorporate the sacred into motherhood by embedding rituals into our daily lives and threshold moments. Waverly also shares her […]

In today’s episode, I reflect on the role community plays in our lives and the stories we share with each other about our yearnings for connection. Tune to hear me reflect on what community looks like in my life right now and my dreams for how community might gather on my new farm home in […]

Carmen Spagnola is a wilderness guide, podcast host, Le Cordon Bleu-trained Chef, rose and vegetable gardener, collapse-aware coach, and witch of no particular affiliation. In this episode, we discuss the ongoing saga of her 300+ lb. TikTok-famous pumpkin and explore the term “collapse” as it relates to being collapse aware as an individual and as […]

In today’s episode, I invite us fireside to connect with our ancestors — the humans, plants, animals, and stardust we come from. Tune to hear me reflect on how wild and perfect it is that we’re all here. And how profoundly we are connected by our shared planet. I also explore our chosen and affinity […]

Erin Claire Jones uses Human Design to help thousands of individuals and companies step into their work and their lives as their truest selves and to their highest potential. In this episode, we have conversation about how Human Design can give us permission to be ourselves and help us live with greater ease and authenticity […]

Clare Foale is a Mum, a creator, a space holder, a brink walker and an ocean lover, living on Garigal Country in Australia. Together, Clare and I have an open and vulnerable conversation about our experiences with delayed postpartum depression. We share the moments beloved practitioners finally helped us see we weren’t okay. The strength […]

So much has changed since I last had my husband Tim on the podcast. We became parents. We decided to leave California. We bought a house in upstate New York. It feels like almost everything is different since that last episode three years ago. So this week I’ve invited Tim to come back to the […]

Marysia Miernowska is a teacher, author, Earth activist, green witch, folk herbalist and healer rooted in the Wise Woman Tradition of Healing. She has spent her life traveling, learning and sharing different regenerative ways of tending to the Earth, healing land, and healing people. She is the Director of the School of the Sacred Wild […]

While I often talk about mothering on the podcast, it’s been a few seasons since I shared a personal reflection on being a mother. So this episode of Belonging is a solo episode where I open up about my journey with delayed postpartum depression. In this episode, I talk about struggling with anxiety and rage, […]

Anoushka Florence is a teacher, an author, a circle-tender, and a mother. She is the Keeper of the Mama’s Village, the Mama of The Goddess Space, and the author of The Women’s Circle. Her work is based on ancient spiritual feminine practices that are grounded in the belief that the power to heal comes from […]

Tracy Benjamin is a food photographer, stylist & blogger based in the San Francisco Bay Area. In this episode, we have a tender conversation about grief, and all the ways she’s experienced it since her mom’s sudden death in 2017. Together we explore how loss can encompass our full range of emotions and impact every […]

Nicole Antoinette is a writer, podcast host, and community-builder who is super into long-distance hiking. In this conversation, she tells us the story of how long solo hikes have become her spiritual & devotional practice. Together we explore the power of facing fear and discomfort, the lessons gained from embracing loneliness, and the self-trust that […]

Asha Frost is an Anishinaabe (Ojibway) Medicine Woman (member of the Chippewas of Nawash First Nation), Healer, and Spiritual Mentor. Last time she was on the podcast we discussed her viral article “Dear White Woman who wants to be like me,” and today she returns to share her new book You Are the Medicine with us. Together we explore […]

Have you been craving a deep, expansive conversation about creativity, burnout, postpartum, paying for the village, and raising children in ancestral ways amidst climate crisis? I know I have been. So I invited my friends, fellow mothers, and past guests Ariella Daly and Megan McGuire to join me on the podcast again to commune “in […]

Dacy Gillespie is a personal stylist who intuitively guides us to discover the clothes we feel best in — uncovering and releasing what society says we “should” wear in the process. Together we explore the question “what do you want to wear?” and we talk about how pausing before purchasing can help us make more […]

Lisa Olivera is a writer, therapist, and creative who shares work centered around radical acceptance, cultivating compassion, and integrating our stories and full humanity. She is also a new mother, just five months postpartum at the time we recorded this episode. Together we talk about the pressures and expectations of motherhood, the deep joy and […]

Belonging is back! After my winter hibernation, I find myself craving a little vernal worship. So this episode is all about ancestral rituals and practices for spring. First, I share lessons I learned while wintering, including my stepping away from social media, making my life small, and my seasonal self-care wheel. Then we dive into […]

I’ve gotten several audience questions about seasonal rituals, so in this episode of Belonging, I thought I would address seasonal rituals for the time that I’m currently in: rituals around winter. First, I invite you to notice what winter looks and feels like where you live (not everywhere looks like a Bavarian ski village in […]

This Belonging Podcast episode is about adult friendships — how to cultivate them and why they’re so dang hard to create and maintain. I dedicate a whole chapter to community in my book, Root & Ritual, particularly as it relates to friendships, but it’s one of the topics I get asked about most, so I […]

I’ve gotten some questions from Belonging podcast listeners about rites of passage, especially if you’ve left a religion that previously offered a sense of rites of passage and ritual, or how to cultivate rites of passage when we don’t have that religious or cultural foundation. This is something I’ve touched on before on the Belonging […]

In this episode of Belonging, I’m sharing what my life looks like now on the other side of birth for any of you who are wondering what life looks like as a new parent or who are struggling to find the elusive balance. I share how I (attempt to) balance business, mothering, self-care, and partnership, […]

So many of us are desiring tools and methods to connect with the land we live on. In this episode of the Belonging podcast, I share ways that I’m building a relationship with the living world after feeling like I’ve lost it since entering motherhood. I share about the colonial construct of “nature,” the history […]

In this episode of Belonging, I’m sharing the complicated thoughts and feelings I’m experiencing being a mother — choosing to bring a child into this world — and living in a time of climate collapse. I share somatic tools for how I’m dealing with the anxiety and grief of these times, questioning if it’s ethical […]

I’ve had many questions and curiosities about my book, the book writing process, and how I got my book published, so this episode of the Belonging podcast is the full story of what went into the creation and publication of Root & Ritual. I share when I first felt the calling to write a book, […]

I have slowly emerged from my cocoon here in this outward facing internet space after taking a much-needed and restorative three-month mama sabbatical. My time was spent making my life as small and as energetically boundaried as possible so I could catch my breath, be with my baby as she turned one year old, and […]

This episode of Belonging is a swapcast with Kathryn Fink of The Heart is a Cauldron. Kathryn believes in a world where each of us lives in deep connection — with our wild soul, our purpose, and our place in the wondrous web of being. To magic this world into reality, they sew an untamed […]

Lara Veleda Vesta is back on the Belonging podcast, continuing the threads of our conversation from a couple years ago and introduce her new book, Wild Soul Runes: Reawakening the Ancestral Feminine. Lara is an artist, author, storyteller, and educator transforming chronic illness into a path of healing and reclaiming. Her research interests include ancestral […]

Megan McGuire is a mother, partner, permaculture gardener, and ritual weaver living on the lands of the Dakota people near Kaposia. Her ancestors have tended the Mississippi River for many generations, and she continues to steward this river in her day job as a biologist with the federal government. Megan is on a long journey […]

We are living in a time of collective trauma and that is exactly what I’m talking about with my guest, Rachael Maddox, in this episode of Belonging. Rachael Maddox is a trauma resolution educator, coach, and guide who’s helped hundreds of humans move from sexual, complex or developmental trauma into pleasure, power, and trust-filled relationships. […]

MaryBeth Bonfiglio joins me on this episode of the Belonging podcast to talk about the many commonalities we have in our ancestral connection work and lives. MaryBeth is a writer and a practitioner of ancestral folk magic of her ancestors (from Sicily and mainland Italy). She is deeply devoted to knowing and understanding her roots […]

This episode really feels like I’m inviting you into my home and into a relationship that has been really vital and nourishing to me and that is with Bethany Gurrola of Alma Rising. Bethany is my post-partum doula, but as we talk about in this episode, the relationship and support system we’re building is really […]

This conversation is another tender one for me. I find as I’m navigating these initial months of motherhood (and in the absence of being able to have lots of community come over to my house), I’m having the essential conversations here on the podcast. The wonderful Jessie Harrold joins me in this episode to talk […]

Today on the Belonging podcast, I am joined by Rachelle Garcia Seliga. Rachelle is a Mother, Wife, and Midwife who has spent the past 18 years working with women and families, in service to woman-centered/ family-centered birth, health, and Life. She is deeply invested in the revitalization of community living as the most important medicine […]

I get so many questions about working with the moon, so I could think of no one better than the Moon Witch herself, Sarah Faith Gottesdiener, to join me on the Belonging podcast and talk about moon work. Sarah is a queer artist, teacher, business owner, and psychic tarot reader. She has written, edited, and […]

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I’m back for the first episode of 2021 and my first solo episode after giving birth to my baby, Atlas. I’m in this place where all the rituals I held before having a baby feel a little foreign in my system. In this episode, I’m sharing a who I am becoming now, how I’m navigating […]

Yaya Erin Rivera Merriman is a Plant Spirit Medicine Practitioner specializing in sacred plant medicines for communication and relationship. Believing strongly in the necessity of hybrid medicine to meet the unique challenges of modern life, Yaya is engaged in the continued study of Plant Medicine, Active Dreaming, and Goddess Traditions from around the world as […]

For this vast, wide, deep, multi-layered topic of Belonging, I’ve got a powerful conversation to share with Madison Morrigan. Madison is a life coach and speaker whose work is centered on self-responsibility and full expression. She coaches ambitious and creative womxn to shed layers of old programming that are keeping them small so they can […]

Luna Grace Isbell-Love is someone who has been in my orbit for a while. You’ll hear at the beginning of the interview that I invited her on the Belonging Podcast and she said, “Yes! I’ve been waiting for this.” Luna is a truth-telling, shadow-walking, trauma-informed, nervous system exploring woman of devotion. Her work lies at […]

We’re continuing our very special, two-part conversation for you today coming to you from inside the Hearthfire community. Hearthfire is my virtual healing and support space for us to devote ourselves to this work of creating a life for ourselves that truly nourishes us. We seek to create lives that are in deeper integrity, that […]

I have a very special, two-part conversation for you today coming to you from inside the Hearthfire community. Hearthfire is my virtual healing and support space for us to devote ourselves to this work of creating a life for ourselves that truly nourishes us. We seek to create lives that are in deeper integrity, that […]

In this tender episode of Belonging, I’m sharing the story of the birth of my daughter, Atlas. To help me piece together all that happened (because parts are already beginning to fade and other parts exist for me outside of time and space), my dear friend and new doula who was with me through the […]

Amber Magnolia Hill is the woman behind Mythic Medicine and the Medicine Stories podcast — a podcast for those who yearn for knowledge about herbalism, deepening ancestral connections, and remembering what it is to be human upon the earth. She helps folks drop the cultural lies, disconnection, and disempowerment, and remember that the old ways […]

I’ve got a much-anticipated conversation to share with you today with Toko-pa Turner, author of the bestselling book Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home which explores the themes of exile and the search for belonging. I named this podcast Belonging before I came across Toko-pa’s book, and then once I learned of it and as more and […]

I’m so happy to bring you this conversation with my friend and former mentor, Lola Pickett. Through her courses and programs, Lola empowers empaths and sensitive folk to rewire their brains, bodies, and behavior for internal and external resilience — shifting from self-repression to soul-expression. She is the published author of the Wild Messengers Alchemical […]

Joining me in this episode of the Belonging podcast is Mara Glatzel, an intuitive coach, writer, and podcast host who helps perfectionists and people pleasers reclaim their sovereignty. Her superpower is saying what you need to hear when you need to hear it, and she is here to help you believe in yourself as much […]

In this episode of the Belonging Podcast, I am joined by Lindsay Mack — a queer intuitive Tarot teacher, writer, and the founder of the popular weekly podcast, Tarot for the Wild Soul. She is also the creator of Soul Tarot, a radical reinterpretation and intentional utilization of the Tarot as a healing tool, one […]

I’m delighted a share a conversation with my dear friend Majo Molfino. Majo helps women birth their dreams and share their gifts without quitting their day jobs. She is a self-described recovering “good girl” and daughter of immigrants, and as of this episode, she is the author of Break the Good Girl Myth, which empowers […]

Asia Suler joins me in this episode of the Belonging Podcast. Asia is a writer, teacher, mystic, and herbalist who lives in the folds of the Blue ridge mountains. She is the creator and concoctress of One Willow Apothecaries, an Appalachian-grown company that offers lovingly handcrafted medicines and alchemical gateways of education. Her classes are […]

Rachael Rice is someone who I have held in high esteem for some time. She is first and foremost, an artist — creating magical radical art for living and dying on a ravaged planet. She’s also a prolific writer, educator, and death doula. Her work lies at the crossroads of grief, radical togetherness, creative expression, […]

Shauna Janz joins me in this episode of Belonging. Shauna is a sacred grief counselor who holds space for all the areas and intersections of grief — embodiment, rituals, ancestral connection, and the individual and group process. She is dedicated to tending belonging in our world — within ourselves, with each other, with our other-than-human […]

Julie Parker, Founder of The Beautiful You Coaching Academy, Co-Founder of Priestess Temple School, host of the Priestess Podcast, published author (her book Priestess is available for pre-order as of TODAY!), and speaker joins me in this episode of the Belonging Podcast. Together, we talk about the meaning of the word “priestess” and what it […]

June Marisa Kaewsith, also known as “Jumakae,” joins me on the Belonging Podcast today. Jumakae is a professional artist, wellness consultant, and storytelling coach who first roped me in with her TEDx talk and her powerful storytelling voice. I knew I wanted to talk with her on Belonging about her ancestral connection, but we dove […]

Much of the curiosity around my work has to do with ancestral connection and ancestral practices, which is why I am so excited to share my conversation with Gogo Thule Ngane on this episode of Belonging. Gogo is a Sangoma priestess and healer guided by the elevated ancestors of her lineages from the Mossi of […]

In this episode of the Belonging podcast, I am joined by Asha Frost, an Anishinaabe (Ojibway) Medicine Woman (member of the Chippewas of Nawash First Nation), Healer, and Spiritual Mentor. Asha wrote an article titled “Dear White Woman who wants to be like me,” which went viral for many of the same reasons why it […]

I’m thrilled to bring you a conversation with Ayana Young, a fierce warrior for the earth and fellow podcaster. I have learned so much from Ayana over the years about what it means to be alive in the Anthropocene (the Age of Man) and how to find hope in action. Ayana specializes in intersectional environmental […]

Mimi Young is a shamanic practitioner and founder of Ceremonie, a shamanic and ritual-based brand, and although we scheduled this conversation before any of us knew the extent of where we would be during this COVID 19 outbreak, what we had planned to talk about is very timely during these moments of Physical Distancing. Mimi […]

Lisa Olivera, a writer and therapist, joins me in this episode of Belonging to talk about showing up as yourself to make meaningful connection. This conversation weaves together what it really means to be human in these times and why it’s so important to vulnerably share all sides of ourselves. Through her therapy work and […]

I invited Constanza Eliana Chinea, a Latinx certified yoga instructor, on the Belonging podcast to open up a bigger conversation happening in the wellness and yoga industry about decolonization, access, and privilege. Constanza Eliana not only teaches yoga, but she specifically works with yogis and entrepreneurs to decolonize their yoga practice, create equity for teachers […]

Hi Friend, I’ve got something to share with you… As the sunlight grows, so does the little soul inside of me. This is so tender for me to share with you. I feel the fragility of life itself at all times right now. I feel the potential for life and death in every cell. I […]

Anxiety is something that feels so pervasive and yet still carries so much stigma. In this technology-obsessed age of loneliness, it seems as if everyone is experiencing anxiety—at least a little bit—but still feels so alone in the struggle. Anxiety can bring about a lot of shame and prevent us from feeling a true, deep […]

If you’re here, listening to this podcast, part of you probably really wants to re-village or come back into community with each other. Part of circling in community is finding intergenerational spaces and that includes making space for our teens. So I invited Eliza Reynolds on the show. Eliza is the founder of Badass Girls, […]

I’ve been waiting to do an episode on this topic because it’s a practice that I engage in every month: yoni steaming. Not long ago, I shared on my Instagram stories my practice of yoni steaming, and I have gotten so many questions since then, so I invited the lovely Kit Murray Maloney who is […]

I’ve been longing to have a conversation about food, body, fatness, fat-phobia, and healthism, and I’m so excited to introduce my guest to you today. Hilary Kinavey is a professional counselor, facilitator, educator, speaker, writer, and activist working to bring more awareness to weight-inclusive approaches, weight bias, body trust, and the intersections of activism and […]

The amazing Ariella Daly, aka Beekeeping in Skirts, joins me for this first episode of 2020. Ariella is a beekeeper, which isn’t a title that fully encompasses all of her work—she works with the bees in a seer and healership capacity with embodied womb-centric practices. So in this conversation, we talk about the esoteric realm […]

I chose this time of year — the winter, waning time of year — to talk about something that I have experienced a lot of in my life: burnout. When we go against the energies of the season, especially in this productivity-focused culture, we experience a lot of burnout — and some of us don’t […]

I took one of Morena Cardoso’s Danza Medicina workshops for embodying the sacred feminine at Spirit Weavers a couple years ago and it was a profound experience in my relationship with my own body. Then, when I found myself circling with Morena for a Samhain gathering this year, I had to pull her aside to […]

Natalie Ross of Earth Speak joins me on the Belonging Podcast today. As the title of her podcast suggests, Natalie is intimately in relationship with the earth and is in regular communication with the land through her intuition and the senses that we normally don’t pay attention to or place value on in our modern […]

One of the most frequent questions I get is how to create a sacred gathering or a women’s circle. I get it. It’s hard to do and yet it’s something all of us so deeply crave. So I invited my dear friend, Katina Mercadante, to join me on the Belonging podcast. Katina and I have […]

Rachael Alaia joins me on the Belonging podcast for a potent and important conversation about facing an uncertain future in the midst of eco collapse, ecocide, and the grief and anxiety that comes with it. Many of us across the globe are experiencing more extreme weather and natural disasters (the fires here in California being […]

We’ve arrived to the witchy time of year – a time of thin veils, of the Wild Hunt, Season of the Witch, and of the beginning of the darkening times here in the northern hemisphere. So in this episode of Belonging, I’m talking about Samhain and what this time of year meant for our ancestors. […]

My dear friend Lorena Aguirre joins me on the podcast today. Lorena has a very popular podcast in the Spanish-speaking world called Con Amor, Carajo! in which she addresses those living within a deeply Catholic, patriarchal existence to spread messages of feminism and empowerment to those who do not benefit from these systems. Together, we […]

In this episode of Belonging, Sarah Durham Wilson (aka The Mother Spirit) joins me to talk about moving for the archetype of Maiden to Mother. We get stuck in idealizing the Maiden as a result of many things—including the Patriarchy and beauty industrial complex—and many of us struggle to rise into the wisdom of the […]

Today’s episode of Belonging is a solo episode where I’m sharing my meditation journey! Meditation is something that has come in and out of my life throughout my journey of belonging. I don’t consider myself a “master meditator” by any means, but lately, it’s something that’s felt really strong in my practice. So, I’m sharing […]

Today I am so excited to have Erica Feldmann join me on the Belonging Podcast. Erica is the owner of HausWitch, a modern metaphysical shop in Salem, MA that blends magic, activism, and deep community. Erica and I talk about how capitalism wants to keep us out of close community (and so how circling closely […]

I asked my dear friend, Nisha Moodley, to join me today to talk about belonging in community. It’s a big topic, but Nisha and I are in the same community. We used to live down the street from each other and we are in a circle of women that gather each month under the new […]