My guess is you believe that too. You probably have a soul-deep desire to lead meaningful circles and step into a more village-minded way of being in your life and in your work. 

There is a call on your heart to pour more of your magic into the spaces you hold and to trust yourself to lead circles that are meaningful and memorable (and have you walking away feeling nourished, not depleted).

Perhaps you’re already hosting circles and gathering women in sacred spaces for connection, but… yearn to go deeper, to bring to life the circle you’re really dreaming of - led by a version of you that you haven’t given yourself the chance to become.

I believe a women’s circle can change the world…

A Circle Facilitation Training

Enrollment for Circle Craft is currently closed. 



in that they allow us to become our most wise and grounded selves, while at the same time freely expressing our raw human parts. And the circles that offer the most powerful experiences are those that are artfully held by facilitators who have the care, confidence & capacity to hold them fully & tenderly. 

You have a vision for a beautiful circle (but you need support, accountability & a system that helps you make it happen)

You want to walk into spaces open and ready to receive the magic that circle offers (but you’re too caught up in your perfectionism and fears that you can’t fully show up) 

You want to lead circles in your community that get excellent feedback from the people who attend (but you aren’t sure you’re leading and holding space at the level you want to be) 

You haven’t been able to gather the perfect fit women for your circle (and, out of desperation, you’ve fallen into some potentially unethical marketing traps or have given up altogether) 

You’ve devoted so much of your time, energy and resources into a circle that isn’t serving you in return. (and it’s causing resentment and straight up exhaustion) 

Circles are potent spaces,

TEll me, does this sound familiar?

You don’t need to wait until you’ve gotten enough certifications, healed all your wounds and shadow parts, or achieved total perfection in your space holding to lead a wildly meaningful and memorable circle.

You simply need the support, resources, and encouragement to take your circle vision from dearly held dream to your dream brought to life.

you will feel empowered to host your very own circle that is a reflection of who you are & the gifts you have to share. We’ll hold each other through the process every step of the way. And we’ll practice doing it imperfectly. 

By the end of our EIGHT-weeks together in Circle Craft

Together, we’ll explore

the matriarchal principles of relationship, nurturance, and equality, and learn the skills we need to cultivate and lead circles that are intimate, vulnerable, and ritual-filled. 

And this is how Circle Craft will support you.

In Circle Craft, you’ll receive training in the art of leading a circle, so that you can stop wishing you would and actually make it a reality.



"I so appreciate the discussions addressing the needs of the host! My mind is blown from all the experience and wisdom Becca brought. She thought of every detail and offered it to us in an easy and accessible way. I believe that words carry immeasurable power and I appreciated the many quotes, books, and resources as well.

"Not only do you get a lot of really great information on holding circle, different ways to manage circles, but you also get to learn from others in the class about what they value in a circle, and I loved hearing all their circle ideas!

I loved all the ideas that came from rich discussion about ritual, appropriation, appreciation, acknowledgment,

I definitely feel more comfortable holding a circle. Setting the expectations as well as having a better understanding of how to deal with difficult situations that may arise helps with the confidence in holding a circle for me."

-Tess, Circle Craft Alumni

-Brandi, Circle Craft ALumni

"Bite sized videos, potent with thoughtful insight and tips on holding circle--thank you for the spaciousness; Ample implementation time and easy actionable steps. Also really loved the singing in circle masterclass--a lot."

-APRIL, Circle Craft ALumni

"Leaving with everything I need to Circle."


-STARRY, Circle Craft Alumni

"I love the heartfelt experiences Becca shares in her video lessons. I also love learning from the way she holds space in our calls. Even though I haven't been able to attend live, when I watch the recording, the container still feels deeply held."

"I have loved the pace of the course, the content, and the shares. It really helps to see and hear what others are doing and struggling with to reframe my own successes and challenges. The most worthy aspect is learning that circles are imperfect and creating agreements to better support the intentions of the circle."

-Michelle, Circle Craft ALumni

-LISA, Circle Craft ALumni

"I've loved your grounded and calm energy, the pace and your wisdom."


-STevie, Circle Craft Alumni

"I'm leading my first circle and it's been absolute magic. Circle Craft gave me the confidence to step into the role of facilitator and the tools/framework to make it easeful, fulfilling and nourishing to all of us, myself included!"

"I've loved your grounded and calm energy, the pace and your wisdom."

Each week, you’ll have access to: 

A video lesson from me walking you through the steps of calling together your circle. These lessons will be 30-minutes or less so that you can steadily and sustainably work your way to hosting your first circle, while also tending to your life’s care. I'll also provide an audio option of the lessons in case your hands need to be busy while you take in the information. 

A weekly worksheet
, that will guide you step-by-step in planning and holding your circle, so that you don’t have to keep it all in your head and try to remember what to focus on each week. And, by the end of our time together, you will have created your very own circle workbook that can support you on your circling journey.

A live call with the group every week, each designed for you to take the information into your life while also receiving supportive connection with fellow circle leaders. There will be rituals, there will be Q&As with Becca, there will be circle calls, there will be journaling, there will be playlists!

You’ll also be invited to participate in a private online connection space for sharing resources, talking through anything keeping you stuck, and supporting each other throughout the experience so that you don’t have to feel like you’re doing this alone. You will have a team of supporters and accountability buddies at the ready! 

A look inside what you will receive when you join Circle Craft: 

You'll also receive:

Navigating Conflict in Circle Masterclass with Sarah Wildeman

Singing in Circle Masterclass by Stevie Greenwell

Holding Circle for Young Girls Masterclass with Johannah Reimer

Learn practical tools to navigate "healthy conflict" that can come up
 in circle from relationship
dynamics coach
Sarah Wildeman

learn from a master about how to lead (and sing) in song circles.
THis is a big one!

 Learn about what elements Are needed to hold a circle for tweens/teens + rituals for their first moon cycle

More specifically, here’s some of what we’ll cover together 

Week One: The Vision

Week Two: The Intention

Week Three: Calling in Your Circle

Week Four: Sacred Agreements

Week Five: Planning Out Your Circle

Week Six: Wobbles, Rupture & Staying the Course

Week Seven: Worthiness, Belonging & Integrity in Circle

Week Eight: Progress, Integration & Celebration

Why We Circle
Coming up with the vision for the circles you will facilitate

Getting clear on the intention of the circle you want to facilitate

Marketing your circle through an artful invitation + marketing ethics + charging for circle

The importance of agreements to hold the container of your circle in love and respect and how to come up with them

Setting up the space

Building an Altar

Energetic hygiene

Navigating when things come up in circle that will throw you off + getting your needs met as the host

Facing the fears that are holding you back

Expanding your capacity for self-trust

Celebration of what you've accomplished

Integration of the craft of circling


Opening Call - Thurs, June 6th @ 3-5pm ET

Sharing Circle Call - Thurs, June 13th @ 3-4:30pm ET

Q&A Connection Call - Thurs, June 20th @ 3-5pm ET

Sharing Circle Call - Thurs, June 27th @ 3-4:30pm ET

**Integration week of July 1st, no calls**

Sharing Circle Call - Thurs, July 11th @ 3-4:30pm ET

Ritual Call - Thurs, July 18th @ 3-5pm ET

Closing Ceremony + Q&A - Thurs, July 25th @ 3-5pm ET


While I have learned the art of circling from many teachers, I want to honor the work of Jean Shinoda Bolen, and in particular her book The Millionth Circle. This book, and the teachings within, have been the anchor I’ve returned to when I’ve felt lost or unsteady in my own circles.

Beyond being a circle facilitator, I am a writer, host of the Belonging podcast, retreat facilitator, and community holder. I wrote the book, Root & Ritual: Timeless Ways to Connect to Land, Lineage, Community, & the Self. I’ve dedicated my life and work to supporting women to experience a deep sense of belonging by connecting with the cycles of nature, ancestral wisdom, working with their hands, and being in community.

I have been circling, in some form, for over a decade. While I wasn’t raised in communities of women deeply holding one another, when I experienced circling it quickly became the catalyst for my own empowerment and aliveness. I hold, and participate in circles, imperfectly. But that doesn’t cause me to waiver from my devotion to the practice. 

I have been a part of soup circles, hair-braiding circles, political discourse circles, herbal medicine making circles, and full moon & new moon circles. All of these spaces have offered valuable and important medicine for my yearning heart. 

My life’s journey has shown me that we aren’t meant to do any of this life alone, that we thrive when we circle up, in community. 

Circles help us remember our way back to ourselves, back to each other, and back to a different way of being. Join me in creating even more circles around the globe. 

Circle Craft is for women who deeply long for more connection, care and community - and want to be a part of creating more of that in the world. 

It is for women who want to remember a different way of being, who yearn to reclaim their ancestral legacy of gathering with other women. 

It is for those who are ready to do the work of unraveling fear and isolation, and creating connection and tender receptivity instead. 

It is for the ones who feel emboldened to rise to both the challenge and beauty of walking a path that runs counter to so much we are taught, but that we so desperately need.  

It is for mothers, and also those who are not yet, or do not plan to be, mothers. 

And, Circle Craft is a non-binary and trans-inclusive space. 





I have a question about whether or not this is for me. How can I get in touch with you to ask?

Will this be a welcoming place for my marginalized identity(ies)?

What’s your refund or cancellation policy?

Absolutely, yes. We welcome all of you and make space for that to be celebrated and honored.

I am unable to offer any refunds for this program, so please be 100% sure you are in when you sign up. 

Feel free to email us at and we’ll discuss. We’ll support you in making the best decision for you.

Will this be a welcoming place for my marginalized identity(ies)?

What’s your refund or cancellation policy?

I have a question about whether or not this is for me. How can I get in touch with you to ask?