Welcome to Belonging 

A podcast that explores being alive in the age of loneliness.

Becca Piastrelli is your host and guide on a journey of courageous reconnection as we explore topics like cultivating meaningful community, living with the seasons and cycles of the earth and your body, and leaving a thriving, regenerative legacy in these modern times.

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Lastest Episodes

Lately, I’ve been thinking about all the times in my life when I’ve made myself smaller, dimmed my light, or played along with something that didn’t resonate with my soul—all for the sake of not being judged. This comes up a lot in the women’s gatherings and communities I facilitate, particularly when it comes to […]

When I first came into community with the witchy/woo-woo women of my town, I was so terrified that I didn’t belong. They all had different body types from me, wore flowy knit dresses and long beaded earrings from the same maker I had never heard of, and drank tea from expensive Chinese teapots in a […]

Did you know this time we are living in is being called “The Age of Loneliness”? Yes, we have such prosperity with our technological advances—many of which I am super grateful for and rely upon on a daily basis. We can connect to each other with our phones and laptops with texts, tweets, social media […]

It was my turn to share, and I immediately felt the tears begin to well up and my chest tighten with that familiar protective instinct. It was if my body was asking me, “Is this a safe place to let go and cry? Can I really, truly share my deepest darkest truth in this moment?” […]

I’m going to begin this post by saying what’s true for me… Gathering with women is my passion and can come more easily to me than others. I am an extrovert, meaning I derive energy from social interaction with other people. I was known as a social butterfly growing up—easily cultivating friendships in my various […]

I’m constantly reminding myself to lift my head from my laptop or smartphone (or juicy fantasy fiction book) and look to what’s happening in the natural world for guidance and clarity. It can be so tempting to allow school schedules, work deadlines, and the mandates of the Gregorian calendar run the show that is our […]

As I journey deeper into the ancestral traditions of the women of my lineage, I feel all the more connected to my own body. I often look at my hands with such awe and reverence for what they are capable of and how all the women that came before me are helping to guide them […]

Over the years, women have come to me wanting to know how they can cultivate more meaningful relationships with other women. They tell me they’re tired of the same old surface level conversation, the automatic default to complaining about their partners or their job, gossiping about other women, or the dreaded social awkwardness that can […]

One question I’m often asked is about how to cultivate deeper relationships with women, especially if you are an introvert or live in an area where there doesn’t seem to be a lot of creative, conscious ladies to connect with. I find this topic of sisterhood fascinating, because it’s something every woman wants (to feel […]

If you know me at all, you know that I’m a big believer in the magic that occurs at the intersection of sisterhood and creativity. I’ve seen it time and time again. When we women come together to work with our hands, we remember the wisdom of our great great grandmothers. As we step into […]

All my life, I’ve wanted to help people. If there was some way I could share wisdom, provide a shoulder to cry on, or inspire a new way of thinking or doing, I would go for it. I would give my best advice on how to fix her situation and pull in for the tightest […]