Welcome to Belonging 

A podcast that explores being alive in the age of loneliness.

Becca Piastrelli is your host and guide on a journey of courageous reconnection as we explore topics like cultivating meaningful community, living with the seasons and cycles of the earth and your body, and leaving a thriving, regenerative legacy in these modern times.

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Lastest Episodes

One of my favorite things about traveling on pilgrimage to ancestral lands and sacred sites is to be able to connect to the women of that land—the women who hold the secrets of the ancestors of that place in their bones. When I traveled to Ireland for the first time for the autumn equinox in […]

In my lifelong research of the people I come from, I have been drawn to the ways my people signified important moments in a human being’s life. For instance, the way they venerated their dead, birthed their babies, chose and committed to a partner, and (of particular curiosity for me) marked and honored their monthly moon cycle or menstrual bleed.

Welcome to the final installment in the Moon Cycle Series! In case you need to catch up: Part One: I talk about my journey to making peace with my period Part Two: Your connection to the moon and breakdown of the 4 phases of your cycle Part Three: Incorporating ritual and self-care into your moon cycle […]

Welcome back to the Moon Cycle Series! In case you need to catch up: Part One: I talk about my journey to making peace with my period Part Two: Your connection to the moon and breakdown of the 4 phases of your cycle Part Three: Incorporating ritual and self-care into your moon cycle (+ sea […]

Welcome back to the Moon Cycle Series. In case you missed it… Part One: I talk about my journey to making peace with my period Part Two: Your connection to the moon and breakdown of the 4 phases of your cycle Part Three: Incorporating ritual and self-care into your moon cycle (+ sea sponges!) For […]

Welcome back to The Moon Cycle Series, sweet ones. In case you missed it, you can check out Part One, where I shared my story about how I went from hating to re-signifying my period and Part Two, where I shared how your cycle is connected to the moon as well as a breakdown of what’s […]

Now that I’ve told you the story that took me from hating my period to seeing it as a beautiful and sacred part of my life, I want to talk about how I’ve been able to do that. As a woman – your menstrual cycle is, in so many ways, your internal compass.  I’ve gone […]

I want to talk to you about a very sacred thing that unites us all as women and with the cycles of nature and the planets. It’s something I’ve been studying and diving into on my own journey over the past several years, and I’ve been a little nervous to talk about here.  I’m talking […]