I have slowly emerged from my cocoon here in this outward facing internet space after taking a much-needed and restorative three-month mama sabbatical. My time was spent making my life as small and as energetically boundaried as possible so I could catch my breath, be with my baby as she turned one year old, and orient myself back to center enough to feel in my body again. I am now seeing how moving through this rite of passage of having a child has woven me even more deeply into alignment with the seasons and cycles of my wild body and spirit.

So this episode of Belonging is a solo episode where I share how this time has been for me. I talk about the importance of admitting when you’re over-capacity, recognizing when you’re putting yourself last (especially as a parent), re-negotiating identity (why am I doing this?), being willing to question everything, my need to be seen as transforming, and coping with my grief by learning to make my world small.

“I am discovering who I am, and I am willing to question everything.”



Episode #85: Why I Took a Mama Sabbatical

Wisdom and rituals for slow & seasonal living

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