I use this word, “sisterhood,” frequently in my work and practice. It’s one of the most powerful tools I’ve found for healing, feeling a sense of belonging, and deepening your relationship to self, but it’s a practice and there are a lot of unhealthy models of sisterhood in media and popular culture. The best way to heal is often to confront the dark side of the matter, so in this episode of Belonging, we’re talking about the dark side of Sisterhood to examine where the distrust, judgment, and cutting down comes from.
“Sisterhood is a practice; it doesn’t come easily for most of us because most of us haven’t had healthy models of sisterhood in our lives.”
- My friend, Katina Mercadante, created an altar for one of my recent gatherings
I mentioned some reality TV shows:
I would love to hear from you!
What or who are some of your favorite models of sisterhood that help you work past the shadow aspects of sisterhood?
Credit for the phrase “be a good ancestor” goes to Arianna of Quw’utsun’ Made