Sylvia Linsteadt

I’m so pleased to be sharing a conversation with one of my all-time favorite writers, Sylvia Linsteadt.

Sylvia’s words have been a deep salve to my heart and sense of wonderment in this work of re-enchantment with the wild. She has such a deep understanding of the living land, a term I really appreciate. Because for so much of my life, I couldn’t see nature as alive and living. And, if I did, I would often feel scared.

In my work of reconnecting to the land, Sylvia’s writing has been a boon of courage to my soul—particularly when engaging with the grief of loss and extinction of the wild. Her words have helped me look at it with a strong and resilient heart, and I’m just so thrilled to introduce you to her.

In this conversation, we talk about so much! From finding + expressing deep connection to a place that is not ancestrally yours, to connecting to land through connecting to the animals, to navigating “fact” vs. ancestral knowing, to learning to trust your intuition when your mind has been colonized, to her work in Crete uncovering the ancient goddess-worshipping culture that once thrived there.

“We’re just socolonized in our brains—even those of us whose ancestry is of the colonizer.” -Sylvia Linsteadt


More from Sylvia Linsteadt:

What is something you’ve observed and trusted your intuition to learn for yourself rather than being told as fact by someone else?


Credit for the phrase “be a good ancestor” goes to Arianna of Quw’utsun’ Made

Episode #34: Another Way of Knowing with Sylvia Linsteadt

Wisdom and rituals for slow & seasonal living

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